Naturopathic consultation

According to the World Health Organisation WHO, ” Health is a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being of the individual. It is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. »

A natural complementary medicine

Naturopathy is recognised by the WHO as a natural "complementary" medicine. Naturopathy is recognised by the WHO as a natural "complementary" medicine. It helps you, whatever your age, to preserve your balance, whether physical or mental, by drawing on your own resources! Thanks to gentle and natural techniques, particularly concerning lifestyle and diet, you will learn to manage your vital energy and your emotions and to optimise your health capital.

Individual interviews

Based on the reason for your consultation that you give me by telephone, I suggest that you make an appointment to take part in an INDEXED INDIVIDUAL INTERVIEW (1h30/2h00). During this discussion, I will ask you about the key points in your life, your health, your lifestyle, your diet, your sleep and your body's elimination methods. I also perform an iridological assessment, if you wish. My aim is to find the causes of the imbalances you are experiencing and thus to adapt my naturopathic advice to your needs.

Dietary advice

My FOOD and LIFE-HYGIENE ADVICE includes, for example, support for the nervous system, in-depth detoxification and revitalisation of the body. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS in phytology (plants, buds), aromatology (essential oils) or based on vitamins, trace elements and minerals, which you can obtain in pharmacies or organic food shops, are also offered to regulate your condition.

Instead of treating only the failing organ and fighting a symptom, naturopathy takes into account the whole person, with his or her personality and life force, to restore balance.

Cultivating a healthy and serene lifestyle, close to nature, means learning to listen to ourselves, to observe the manifestations of our body, to see the positive side of things and to respect life! Preventing before curing! Preventing before curing!

Within the framework of a PERSONALISED FOLLOW-UP, my role is to “welcome” the person as he or she is at the beginning of each interview (duration: 1 hour/1h30), in order to accompany him or her in the best possible way. The production of toxins is often the cause of illness. These are generated because of what we ingest (refined sugars, saturated fats, vitamin, mineral and trace element deficiencies, excess of stimulants, smoking or medication) but also by our environment (pollution, stress-inducing lifestyle, etc.).

Who is it for

You are healthy

and wish to adapt your lifestyle to your daily life and your needs.

You are always in a hurry

you lack sleep, you function in a stressful way, reconciling your professional, family and personal life. Exhausted by this lifestyle, you are looking for a healthier, simpler life. Epuisé/e par ce mode vie, vous cherchez à retrouver une vie plus saine, plus simple.

You suffer from chronic inflammatory disorders

and you would like to have advice on nutrition and natural remedies to reduce pain and prevent it from progressing.

You are a vegetarian

and are considering taking nutritional supplements to avoid any deficiencies.

You suffer from premenstrual syndrome

with its attendant symptoms or you wish to combat the inconveniences of the menopause: irritability, weight gain, bloating, heavy legs, migraines, digestive problems, etc.

You are a parent and you want your child/teenager

to grow up healthy and happy. You are looking for advice on their basic needs: sleep, attention, nutrition, self-esteem.

You wish to practice your sporting activity

in optimal physical condition and avoid the long and sometimes tiring recovery periods.

You are retired

and you want optimal living comfort: adapted nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

and balance your diet to prepare for it.

and balance your diet to prepare for it. You are 6 months pregnant with gestational diabetes. You would like advice on how to lower the glycemic load of your meals.

You are breastfeeding your baby

and you would like to start diversifying your diet but you do not know where to start, nor in what order and at what pace to introduce new foods.

Deontology FENA*

Article 5

The professional secrecy instituted in the interest of the consultants is de rigueur and is imposed on the naturopath.

Article 22

The naturopath does not intervene in any case in place of the doctor as far as the diagnosis is concerned, nor for any infectious, heavy or lesionary pathology.

Article 35

The naturopath never allows himself to modify or suppress a possible medical treatment in progress.

* French Federation of Naturopathic Schools

School accompaniment

LEARNING to learn

Your child (or teenager) has concentration difficulties. Dispersion and confusion complicate his or her SCHOOLING.

Why support his/her schooling?

  • Better self-knowledge
  • Discovery of his/her strong points, exchange on his/her difficulties
  • Implementation of personalised work methods
  • Reflection, understanding and memorization
  • Organisation of his work
  • Self-confidence
  • Encourage him/her to be active in his/her learning


  • By helping him/her to come back to him/herself through relaxation exercises based on sophrological techniques
  • By providing them with the specific academic support they need. Each child is unique. They have their own way of thinking, analysing and learning.
  • By establishing a relationship of trust with him and by valuing him

Rates & Contact

Naturopathy Consultations


1st consultation in 2 sessions
Anamnesis | duration: 1h30
then advice | duration: 1h
100 €

Follow-up consultation
duration: 1h
65 €

Package of 3 follow-up consultations
180 €

Young up to 16 years

1st consultation in 2 sessions
80 €

Follow-up consultation
55 €

Certified, approved FENA, OMNES member

Children & Adults workshops

On quotation, please contact me

School accompaniment

Individual session | 1h
45 €

Package 5 sessions | 5 x 1h
195 €

Anne de Gramont

06 70 84 80 05

1735 chemin de Rapine
13090 Aix-en-Provence

Office located between Aix-en-Provence and Célony
close to the RD7n

Easy access with private parking

Contact form

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